Getting the Team Involved!

Courtesy of Gabby Calise: Marketing/Local Forager

Courtesy of Gabby Calise: Marketing/Local Forager

Here's what they're doing in Bellingham Whole Foods

(Sent to us by Gabby Calise, Local Forager)


I’ve teamed up with our ISE to create a Local Producer Team Member Session. Every month we see a new producer, and if our team members meet 3 Local Producers they get a prize! This is a great way to spread the word about our local products and it gives our suppliers the opportunity to meet our Team Members.


Today’s session was with Rodger from Native Waters. Rodger was absolutely fabulous, super easy to talk to and had some pretty awesome conversations with our team members. They even brain stormed about some new ideas for Native Waters.  Rodger got to talk with about 30 team members today (yes we lured them in with chocolate chip cookies)…  He was super generous and gave us a couple of cases of water for our break room. If you are interested in Native Waters Rodger is at: